why is the education system still such a f@#ing mess?
I’ve done it again. I’ve gone and riled myself up, which is increasingly easy to do these days, what with Putin and the Russians leading...

bowie, you made it okay to be weird.
Tears gently roll down my cheeks as I write this, my vision blurred - so blurred it's as if I'm driving through a monsoon with broken...

hey america, f**k your 2nd amendment.
I love waking up in the mornings. I've got my routine wrapped up so neatly it has a pretty bow on it. Yoga. Coffee. Fruit and yoghurt....

dear barclays bank.
Dear Barclays Bank Plc, Today I received a rather standard envelope. Inside was a letter from you. That letter said the following: "Dear...

a minute's insult.
The scenes in Tunisia have brought tears to people around the world. That lone killer has killed something inside all of us, that lone...

the war on (insert flavour of the week) sucks.
I apologise for starting hard but when will governments, and the media, be held accountable for abusing the term 'War On" something,...
bobbies on the beat.
Now I've had my differences with the law in the past, but further cuts to the police is a low at the very highs of politics. 'Bobbies...

damn you independence. damn you william wallace.
The vote on Scotland’s independence is the single most important vote for half a century and yet the majority of those it will affect...

the muddied definition of success.
I have recently found myself in the peculiar position of careless confusion, where the scenery occupying my mind seems to be a...

is revolution inevitable?
I’m more of a peaceful pacifist than a quarrelsome combative, as my first and last boxing match will scrupulously support, so when I...