at the time, standing up on the back of a speeding beach buggy seemed so rock n' roll. later that day i realised there is a thin line between rock n roll and moronic. i am a moronic moron .
about me
william hunter howell is a writer, author, ordained minister and former asparagus picker (and yes, his wee does adopt that funny smell after eating it).
(sh*t. i've done it again. i've written in the third-person. sorry.)
anyway, to give you a bit more insight into my journey as a writer, i didn't study english. i didn't study any language for that matter. a few years ago i just decided to write down some words and i have practised ever since. this practise has been futile as i still can't write.
i currently make my home in nottingham, uk. i currently don't make my bed.
i am dreamer. a real dreamer. an everyday walter mitty.
i have a gorgeous woman i get to call woman, and an ever growing bundle of joy-slash-mayhem i get to call offspring. they are my mad ones. my mad little family.
i continue to write books (oh, and soppy emails to agents in the hope they will represent me out of pity. this hasn't worked yet. but i will keep on dreaming).

note to any morons out there: morons can still get the girl.
oh, and so can the ugly-gappy-smelly kid at school, the one with the bowl cut and freckles
in case you hadn't guessed already
oh, and this is
my brother.